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Past Projects
Past Projects
​To date, the iROOS have contributed significantly to conservation, research and management of national parks, reserves and other organisations. Members work closely with University of Queensland staff as well as industry partners that has included Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services (QPWS), Bush Heritage Australia (BHA), the Queensland Herbarium, South West NRM Ltd and Splendour in the Grass. The most notable of which is our partnership with Bush Heritage Australia.
Past volunteer work has included:
General park maintenance.
Artesian Basin spring rehabilitation and protection.
Exclusion fencing and installation programs.
Invasive species control.
Educating festival patrons at Splendour in the Grass about sustainability and recycling.
Surveying of flora and fauna (including surveys of the endangered Bridled Nailtail Wallaby and various narrow-range endemics).
Outreach within rural communities in respect to student development and education (mainly at Cunnamulla State School).